It's spring break!

Mood: pleased. C:
Currently working on: A short 4-page comic, Tomato's character sheet for a challenge. :0
Recently added (Or not-so-recently): Annoyance, Liar, liar

Hey!! It's spring break! That means I won't have school for a whole week! 8D Yay. C: I want to finish a lot of my drawings... which I probably won't. xD; Ehh...
Well, I'm getting new pens today. C: Hopefully. That way, I'll be able to ink stuff again... xD;
Oh! I'm working on a 4 page comic about Rick and Dare. I'll post the sketch of it in my "Various Planning" world... when I finish sketching it.
I'm also working on a picture for the character designing challenge! 8D I always check up on that challenge because I want to see what kind of entries there'll be. So far, no one has entered... so I might end up being the first one. xD;;
:D Anyone else having their spring break?
