Mood: too lazy to type a lot, but will try.

SORRY FOR NOT REALLY BEING ON MUCH! D: I've been getting a lot of homework and stuff due to the MILLION SNOW DAYS we had back in winter. ._. I'm also trying to finish up some drawings.
I finished the "Thank You" pic, and will be uploading it later today, probably. o3o I also finished a picture for the "Music" challenge, which I will be uploading later too. And I also also finished the line art for the cover of my Dreams comic. :3

You: Didn't you already do that last one? D:

Well, I didn't like the first one, so I drew another one. Then I didn't like that one, so I drew another one. I like the current one, so I'm gonna try to finish it soon. My dad said he'll get my Paint Tool SAI for my birthday, so I wanna finish it up there. :D

Another think I'm working on is a string orchestra version of the song Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac. Why? Because I wanted to. Gosh. ;A; I finished writing the notes for the melody, but I haven't mapped them onto music measures and stuff yet... I also need to figure out the background noises and harmonies and stuff... FUN! xD;;; Yeah.
BY THE WAY, I'M LOOKING FOR VIOLIN/CELLO/VIOLA/CLASSICAL BASS PLAYERS! :D If you're interested in playing the song when I finish arranging it, you can comment or PM me. xD;;;

I WANT TO AT LEAST MAKE ONE ENTRY FOR THE NYAF DEAL THIS YEAR. ;A; I'm probably not gonna make it because I'm a super procrastinator, but I waaaant toooo. Just because I didn't make it last year. ;A; Yeah.
Anyone else entering? xD;;
