What does it look like to you? D:

Mood: Sweaty. D:
Currently working on: ajwoeiaut
Recetnly Added: 200th Submission: THANK YOU #2

I first want to say thanks for helping me reach 200 pictures. :,D
But anyways.

After the due date was changed from August to MAY 20TH, I've decided not to enter the NYAF contest. DX I can't make it in time! And the idea I had was NOT Halloween themed. I don't like Halloween themed stuff much. 3_3

Oh, and I have a question...
I look at my pictures pretty much all day (because I draw them xD), so I'm pretty used to how they look and stuff.
But what do you see when you see my pictures? Do I have any distinct features in my pictures? Something noticable about my style? Anything I REALLY need to work on?
Any feedback would be great, I just want to know what my pictures look like to other people rather than myself. xD;
