Something I did a million years ago (or in February) of Rick and Dare. It's a FRIEND QUESTIONNAIRE! And it's not really supposed to be for OCs, but whatever. xD

Dare's answer is about Rick, and Rick's answer is about Dare.

1. Does our friendship mean anything to you?
Dare: Yes.
Rick: YES! :D

2. What food makes you think of me?
Dare: Uh... food? Er... ._. Water? Oh wait, drinks are the next question... Um... Salad...? :D;
Rick: Caramel. :D I don't really know why, though...

3. What drink makes you think of me?
Dare: WATER. Yesss.
Rick: Black coffee. (Because Dare likes his coffee black. Ew. xD)

4. What color do you think of when you think of me?
Dare: Red.
Rick: Blue.

5. If I were an Anime character, what kind of animal ears and tail would I have?
Dare: Cat ears and tail, because I know that Rick has a secret passion for kitties.
Rick: (I do not. D:) Dog or wolfish ears and tail. :D because I know that Dare has a secret passion for puppies

6. What cartoon would I fit best in?
Dare: The Power Puff Girls. FOR SURE. Rick would be one of the Rowdy Ruff Boys. (Aaagh. I'm a cartoon nerd. No one knows what I'm talking about.)
Rick: ...Pokemon? Maybe? Ahaha.. xD;;
Dare: Because obviously, I'm a pokemon master. /sarcasm

7. What book series would I fit best in?
Dare: Gee.. uh.... I honestly have no idea.
Rick: I don't know. D: I don't read books... except for school.

8. What movie would I fit best in?
Dare: VALENTINE'S DAY HAHA. ...that's the first thing that came to mind.
Rick: ... I don't know... again... D:

9. What video game would I fit best in?
Dare: The one with the guy who did stuff. I DON'T KNOW. RICK, THIS QUIZ IS FREAKIN' HARD.
Rick: (Sorry. D,: It looked fun!) Rock Band. ;D

10. If we were to go on a vacation, where would you take me?
Dare: SOMEWHERE. Or like... New York City, or something. If I had the money. ._.
Rick: ......... New York City sounds nice... >_>

11. If we were allowed to kill one person without getting arrested, who would it be?
Rick: No one. C:

12. If we were allowed to do one thing without getting arrested, what would it be?
Rick: I don't know...

13. Do I have any talents that you admire?
Rick: Dare has a lot of musical talent, which I admire. :D

14. What would you risk to hang out with me in real life?
Dare: This quiz-thing was meant for online friends, so we're going to skip this question.

15. What would you give up to save my life?
Dare: ...That's a hard question. D: Depending on the situation, I would risk my life to save Rick's. But situations vary, so I really don't know.
Rick: ...I'm just going to steal Dare's answer for this one. xD;

16. We have the chance to do one thing to change the world. What do we do?
Dare: I DON'T KNOW, LALALA. This quiz is getting on my nerves.
Rick: ...give... people... food... >_>

17. Do you know when my birthday is, or do you have to look it up on my profile?
Dare: Oh gee, I must inconspicuously check Rick's profile to see what his birthday is. /more sarcasm
I know Rick's birthday. It's AUGUST 19TH, WOO HOO!! :D
Rick: (Dare, you're so weird. xD) I know Dare's birthday, it's September 4th. :3

18. If I were to be standing at the edge of a tall bridge, what would you do?
Dare: Well... if Rick was standing on the end of a bridge just to be standing on the end of a bridge, I'd be like "Hey Rick, what's up?" and he'd say "Not much, Dare. :D". But if he meant to jump off, I'd obviously get him the hell out of there.
Rick: Truthfully, I'd probably cry if he was going to jump.

19. I give in to peer pressure and drink/do drugs. What do you do?
Dare: I'd knock some sense into Rick.
Rick: I'd try to help...

20. You find out that I'm having problems at home. What do you do?
Dare: Do everything I can to fix the situation(s).
Rick: I'd try to help... again...

21. What animal do you think of when you think of me?
Dare: HUMAN.
Rick: A hamster or something. :D

22. What store represents me?
Dare: Forever 21.
Rick: (?!! WHAT? xD) Hot Topic, maybe. :3

23. Would I be more likely to save a child or a puppy?
Dare: Probably a puppy, but what do I know. :/
Rick: Both, maybe.

24. What kind of resturant do you take me to if we hang out?
Dare: The one my Aunt works at. (CHARLIE'S PUB YEAHHHH) Because it's close to my house and I'm a CHEAP LOSER. AGH.
Rick: McDonalds... sorry. I have almost no money. :<

25. Where do we go when we hang out?
Rick: My house! :D

YAY. xD;;;
