It is yes.

Mood: Lazy

Hey guys, I'm back from the beach. :D
The title is something that was said on America's Got Talent, and my family found it oddly funny. xD;
So yup. Here's the highlights of my trip:

  • I swam in the ocean when it was REALLY COLD. ;A;
  • I swam in the pool which was REALLY WARM. ;w;
  • I slept a lot.
  • I ate seafood.
  • I also clogged a toilet... :I
  • I got a pedicure.
  • I got a pedicure by some REALLY CREEPY guy. ;A;
  • I don't really like getting pedicures or manicures. :/
  • I got a bathing suit.
  • I ate a lot of ice cream.
  • I love ice cream. ♥
  • I saw my cousins and aunts and my grandma and family.
  • I saw my cousins baby♥♥ ;w;
  • I played Pokemon.
  • My Sudowoodo is in love with me.

And that's about it. xD;
Um. So yeah. I drew a little. :) I'll submit the pictures in a sec... they're only sketches though.

I think I'm going to pick up on writing the dialouge for Dreams. o3o Yeahhh.
