Sorry but...

Mood: .D

I can't comment on pictures or reply to comments.
I can only comment on world posts. D:

I think it's because of the Romeo x Juliet background; the comment box shows up, but it's actually behind the normal white theOtaku background, and in front of the RxJ background. :D
But eh. Whatevz. They'll probably fix it or take down the background sooner or later.

The RxJ anime is actually pretty good. I've only watched a few episodes, but it wasn't bad. The storyline is very different from the original Shakespear, but that's not really a bad thing for me because I didn't really like the original Romeo and Juliet. Mostly because Shakespear R&J wasn't really a romance, it was about teenagers who, if you'll excuse my bluntess, want to have sex. And then they get all messed up in bad situations and end up getting killed. I thought they had a more mutual relationship or something. I was deceived....
I didn't like many of the characters in the play. Like Romeo and Juliet for example. xD;;
I did like Benvolio in the Shakespear version, though.
I also appreciate how cute Benvolio is in the anime RxJ. He's pretty weird looking in the 1960s R&J movie, yet charming in an unusual way (?)....
External Image
(Weird picture skadjtalktast.)

Romeo in the 1960s movie looked like the Zac Efron of the 60s. xD;

Oh, another thing about the RxJ anime: there's a character named William, who you're supposed to imply is William Shakespear. xD

Well, that's my rant on Romeo and Juliet. :D
