Bad experiences. :/

Mood: So very lazy. "orz
Currently working on: Nothing important...

I've had some unfortunate experiences when it comes to drawing....
Only a couple, but still.

The one from the longest time ago was when I was in 2nd grade, and moved to a new school. I heard these two boys talking about pokemon, and me being the little 2nd grader who liked pokemon, I drew a picture of a ditto turning into a pichu and gave it to them. (It was pretty much a ditto then an arrow pointing to the pichu to indicate the ditto was turning into a pichu. xD;;;)
I don't know if they were super jerks or what, but they started making fun of me and said "YOU LIKE JAY, YOU LIKE JAY!" (I think that was the boy's name.)
Then I cried. Because you know what? I didn't like him because I was in 2nd grade.
I didn't have crushes on people pretty much all through elementary school. :/ Not even little-kid-imaginary-crushes.

The next unfortunate happening was when I was in 4th grade, I think. I drew a picture of kirby (You know, the pink blob. :D I love that guy. xD) in my folder, and it turned out surprisingly good. He was even holding a lollipop and a peppy tonic (the bottles that restore your health by 2), and I put in a background, too. xD
So when the person who was sitting next to me saw it, I told him I drew it, and HE DIDN'T BELIEVE ME!
Idkdkdkdkdkdk. (???)

And the most recent unfortunate happening that I can think of was in 7th grade, when I was drawing a picture after orchestra class. Some random kid came up to me and said "Your drawings are retarded."

I don't know why I decided to put up such a depressing post. ;A; I thought I'd share something from my personal life, since all I usually only talk about my characters and not really much about me.
I'm actually feeling better now though, and I'm drawing again. xD
It still may be a while before I upload something... theO isn't really letting me upload stuff. :|
