Hey guys, I'm back! :D

Mood: Groggy from sleeping in the car
Currently working on: Nothing, because I need to finish summer reading and homework. ;A;
Recently added: 4, 3, 2, 1

Heyoooo. I'm back from Massachusetts. :D Takara and I went to Boston University and Boston College.... because we're looking for colleges. Mostly Takara. But still me, too. :d
I heard people with Boston accents. They're kinda cute, but they'd probably get really annoying... >_>
Oh yeah, we also went to Fenway Park. 8D
I'm not really a big baseball fan, but it was kinda cool to see the stuff there and learn about the history of the team and the stadium thing.... Yeah.

I also got Okami for the Wii. 8D Kinda late, but... yeah. I got it. xD;
It's SO HARD AT FIRST, mostly because I don't have a very steady hand and I'm bad at drawing with the paintbrush and waving the wii remote. xD But I'm getting the hang of it....
I haven't gotten very far. ._.

Oh yeah, schools starting soon, and I'm going to be drawing less, obviously. Not that I even draw a whole lot anymore. ;A;
But yeah. I have a week and a half left of break, and I need to read a 300 page book and finish a worksheet! 8D
