7 strikes! In a row! 7 strikes in a row! Yeah!

Mood: Content. :D
Currently working on: RB:SI ch. 1 pg. 2 draft, a picture for my RL friend, Miyoko and/or Hiroki for Fire.Freak, A picture for Icefoxchan, a picture for Arcticwulf, a picture for King-sama, and alsidthlktnwer3525tw34t for yuuranachi

I always title my world posts weird. xD; The title comes from something my dad said in a story from his childhood he was telling me and my sisters.

Hm. It seems like I'm working on a whole lot from the "currently working on" thing above, but pretty much all of them are just ideas in my head I don't want to forget. xD The only ones that are actually on paper are the page draft and the picture for my friend.... >_>

Oh yeah. Tomorrow I have a violin thing to go to! :D It's kind of a warm-up type mini-performance to get us ready for the school year, haha. Some of my friends will be there, so yay. :D I'm also ready to go back to playing violin in a group.... I don't really like playing solo... ;~;

So yeah... Got about 10 more days of summer, I think. :I I'm about halfway done with the book I talked about earlier, I'm on page 160. I managed to read about 60 pages last night! xD Yay.

That's all. See you later! :>
