

I can't comment until the Hetalia ad background thing on theO gets taken down. :I Hopefully soon....
I can still comment on world posts, though.

Also, I've been on a lot lately. xD
I used to not like it very much because there weren't many games (there used to only be fishing. xD), but they added some new games and they're fun. :D
I'm obsessed with that game. xD
It's SO HARD, THOUGH. ;A; I lose all my points as soon as I get them. xD

So yeah, if you have a tinierme account, add me, my username is moonlitdream and my nickname is Akioh! 8D We can talk and play sevens and stuff! 8D

Also again, I'm in the midst of designing a character I had in a dream, but she looks so... typical-gothic-loli-esque. :I I don't like her design that much because of that, so I'm trying to not give her a "typical-gothic-loli-creepy" personality. xD
...random stuff...

The end. :D
