So yeah

Mood: ....

Hey guys, you may have noticed I've been absent for the past... 3 weeks? Something like that.
Well it's because....
I'm not allowed on the internet (except for school) because I need to be a good role model for my little sister.
And I agree with my parents, I've been spending too much time on the computer that I haven't been doing my homework. :M
Or even drawing.
And I mean, what the heck. The whole reason I joined theOtaku was because I wanted to draw more.

Anyways, yeah. I won't be on pretty much at all, maybe from time to time if I'm allowed.
Also, I won't be submitting any drawings or stuff. If I'm allowed, I'll post comics, but that's it. I might not be allowed to, though. Also, I won't be commenting. :U

Speaking of comics, since I may not be allowed to post and stuff, I may as well say I'm using Paulini's lyrics for the first chapter of RB:SI, and I guess I'll have to make up the rest myself...

So.... yup.
It looks like I missed it when my otaku banner was on the theOtaku page. D:
Mixed feelings. xD

Anyways, see you later, gater. :D
Maybe some day....

Or idk, I'll consult my parents.
