Fantasy or "real-life" characters?

Mood: Inquisitive (what. XD it means curious)
Currently working on: TAOMAR stuff, Christmas presents for my RL friends, yeah...
Recently Added: Furuutsu to Bejitaburu, Happy Holidays!, TAOMAR: ch. 2, pg. 28

Just a random question, but...
Do you perfer seeing Fantasy OCs or Real-Life OCs? Also, do you perfer making Fantasy OCs or Real-Life OCs? (Fantasy being people with magic, fight in battles, and stuff that doesn't happen in the real world; and real-life being a normal person living in the normal world who doesn't have magic or any of that stuff.)

I think it's pretty obvious that I like making OCs that would exist in the real world... Basically all my characters are Real-Life OCs, except the Dreams crew and my old Fire Emblem-esque characters (Isaac, Charlotte, Segran...). I don't know... I just like making characters in the real world because they're more relatable. xD I'm also not creative enough to come up with cool magic abilities for fantasy characters.

The problem with Real-Life characters is that the storyline that goes with them is almost always going to be love-related. "orz So I rely on making the characters having interesting personalities and stuff to keep the story... well... intereseting.

But I love fantasy stories. :> There's a lot more adventure involved. And you're really allowed to get creative with fantasy characters. That's why I love seeing fantasy from other people. :D Not that I don't like seeing Real-Life characters from other people. I like seeing how people can encorporate a unique storyline in with them.

And... that's my ramble. xD
So, which do you perfer?
