Mood: Aaahahaha... >____>

Check out this weird thing I made years ago.
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Also, I was looking at my old xanga site (I semi-rp as Dare there now... meh. Just babblings and stuff... TALK TO HIM, HE'S LONELY.), and I found this weird story I wrote for someone.
Here's an excerpt from the story:
NapkinBoy flew to the park, where moofy was waiting.
"MOOFY!!" he said, "What did you need me for?"
"Im glad youre here, NapkinBoy, because there is an old lady stuck in a tree!" cried Moofy.
"An old lady stuck in a tree??" exclaimed napkinboy," how did she get up there??"
"Well," started Moofy, "There was a cat stuck in a tree, so the fireman tried to get the cat out, but then HE got stuck, so then a manta ray swam through the air into the tree, to try to help them, but got stuck too. So finally, the old lady came to the rescue, and got everyone out. But now shes stuck in the tree, because she's afraid of heights."
"Oh!" said NapkinBoy. " Makes Perfect sense!"
...Yeah, I wrote that two and a half years ago. xD

Aaaanddd... that's all for now. :> Boring post, sorry. xD;
