Drawing. o3o

Mood: Busy
Currently working on: RB:SI ch. 1 pg 3, 4, and 5; TAOMAR ch. 2 pg. 29; B-day pic for Arcticwulf; Art trades and gifts; various other pictures.... I HAVE TOO MANY THINGS I WANT TO DRAW, AND NOT ENOUGH TIME. ;A;

Blah blah. I'm going to spend most of this weekend DRAWING. Usually I'm lazy and I don't draw much (because I procrastinate too much... orz), but I'm going to work VIGOROUSLY HARD.
I'm going to try to finish up the next page for Rock Band: Something Impossible, and then add a page to TAOMAR if I have time.
TAOMAR is pretty easy, so if I finish the next page for RB:SI, I'll almost definitely update TAOMAR.

I'm also going to try and plan out the storyline for My Dear Princess, still. :M Maybe I'll post some stuff in the Various Planning world if I have time. The storyline is a little complicated though... I'm afraid of confusing people. xD

Anyways, enough ranting about random drawing stuff.
I did my violin seating audition yesterday...
I WAS SO NERVOUS.... ;A; I think I sounded pretty bad. My friend said I sounded okay, though. I don't get the results until a week or two... so I'll have to wait and see how that goes. :I

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I've been getting into xXxHoLic recently. Watanuki is definitely my favorite character. xDD HE IS SO CUTE AAAAGH. AND A SPAZZ... but that's okay. SPAZZES ARE COOL.
But I pretty much like all the characters. Except maybe Himawari, but whatever.
I'm only on liiiiike... volume 7, so don't spoil any of the story for me. xD

AND THAT'S ALL! Ladedoo... :D
I'm going to draw now. :>
