Abababa Abobobo Abebebe

Mood: Annoyed because I couldn't think of a title, but not really that annoyed
Currently working on: Pic for Wakusei Aoshi's Challenge

Hey everyone! :D I'm leaving to see my family early tomorrow morning, so I won't be on much for the rest of the week. ;~; But I am getting stuff done, really! xD I'm about halfway done with the coloring for Wakusei's challenge, which is pretty good progress in one day, for me... (why does coloring take so loooong.... orz) Speaking of coloring, I discovered that I DON'T HATE COLORING! 8D I just don't like inking. It's boring. >:I Oh well.

I'm gonna try and finish a Tomato comic today. (It's been inked in my sketchbook for a while, but I never got around to coloring it. xD) So maybe you have that to look forward to... Or not, if you don't really care. xD


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day 04 - a song that makes you sad

I like this song. Yeah. But the guy sounds sad, so it makes me a little sad too. Boo hoo. :<
Um... yeah.

I'm going to go put the whites in the dryer now. :D
