Song Challenge: Day 5

Mood: Happy
Currently working on: Nothing, at the moment. (LAZY.)
Recently added: OFAV: pg. 4

Heyyyy. I'm at my cousin's houseeeee. :D I'm using his fancy computer. WOAHHH.
The craziest thing about it is when I use the comment boxes on theO, THEY ACTUALLY WORK CORRECTLY! :0 I use Internet Explorer, so that might be why the comment boxes usually mess up when I use them on my computer. xD

Mmmyeah. So.
Song challenge and stuff.

Full List: [click]

day 05 - a song that reminds you of someone

I was listening to this song with my sister yesterday, so this song reminds me of my sister. :P
I love this song. xD My favorite line is:
"I could hide out under there...
I just made you say underwear."
The singer also strings a whole ton of words in a row during the chorus. SKILL. Or just craziness. :M

