Quick post; doing homework


YEAH, QUICK POST, GOTTA DO HOMEWORK ON A PURSUASIVE SPEECH!!! 8D It's not due for a while, but the planning sheet's due tomorrow.

Too lazy to link to it today. Check my other posts.

day 12 - a song from a band you hate

I'm pretty sure a ton of people on theO like Owl City. (Well, maybe not a ton...)
SORRY, DON'T LIKE... whatever genre this is. Synthopop? Idk.
Synthetic voices + synthetic instruments = Not my style. D:
But I'm a hypocrite; they used synthetic drums a lot in New Wave music (late 70s, I think?), and I listen to New Wave stuff all the time.
Except they play the synthetic drums like real drums.
It's possible to make a song without actually having anyone playing insturments these days, isn't it?
I don't know anything.

STUPID POST, YEAH! And almost no emoticons.
:D 8D :0 :9 >3> o3o :> :/
