
Mood: stupid title.

I ran the mile two days ago (and for some reason am only telling you about it now), and I got 11:13!!!!!! 8D
It sounds like a terrible time, but it's nearly a minute better than my previous record of 12:06. WOOOO.
I'm slow.
We did the pacer today. I got 17. YAY....
And 2 on the V-sit (Girls usually get around 5-7).
And 30 curl-ups.
So weak... "orz

So..... yeah. more of the song challenge thing.

Full List: [click]

day 13 - a song that is a guilty pleasure

whatdoesthatevenmeanaaaah I'm stupidly naive.
Here, have a random song.

My English teacher was talking about this song, but she couldn't remember who sang it or how it went. I wanted to be like, "TO EVERYTHING, TURN TURN TURN..."
And that's basically the only lyrics I know.

Sorry this doesn't really relate to the topic this time. xD;

