I never have time to update. ;A;

Mood: Tired and sick. D:

I caught my friend's cold. >:I

I'm gonna finish up the song challenge with this post. :D I missed six days, and I had six days left....

day 25 - a song that makes you laugh

I already used a song by the Barenaked Ladies, but this song is just so funny to listen to.
For me at least.
I never knew what the last words were until I looked up the lyrics... I always thought he was speaking in a different language. xD
But it's just "Birchmount Stadium, home of the Robbie." I don't even know what the Robbie is. xD

day 26 - a song that you can play on an instrument

This is a barely. I can barely play this on violin. :I And I play second violin, so it's not like I play all the high-pitch stuff. Also, when my orchestra played this at a concert, we took it a bit slower. xD

day 27 - a song that you wish you could play

I couldn't find a good youtube video of the song I really want to play... but I want to play this one too. :d
This song reminds me of Luli.

day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty

Um.... I don't know. xD (YES, I'M TERRIBLE...)

I like this song. :U Which is rare, since I don't really like much Japanese music.
I couldn't find the plain opening, I could only find the full. >:I So there.

day 29 - a song from your childhood

I know about 1230o7530 of you will think this is the weirdest song ever. xD But this song always reminds me of a little gradeschooler me sitting in the car seat dancing to this song.
Because that's what I used to do. xD

day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year

Well, I started with Sugar Ray, I think I'll end with Sugar Ray.

I think I like this Sugar Ray song best. But I also like Fly. Fly is the only Sugar Ray song my dad likes. xD
As many people on youtube say (because I became a comment stalker after joining theO), as well as myself says, Sugar Ray reminds me of summer.

And that's a wrap! :D
