Performed a speech today...

Mood: groweulas. D:

...and it was kind of absolutely terrible.
The time limit was 6 minutes.
AAAAAAAAAAOWRETIHAYA WHY. ;A; But the time thing isn't that bad, because my friend told me someone went on for 10 minutes.
BUT STILL. I didn't memorize my speech, so I had little note cards. Even with those, I stalled so much and aaagh. ;~; I dislike public speaking... especially when I'm unprepared. It's not so bad if I'm prepared, obviously.
But my teacher said she liked my conclusion, so I guess that's okay. xD

I've got Sugar Ray songs in my head... again. xD;;;; Idk, their songs have been invading my mind a lot lately.

I think I must have wanted a character that looked kind of like Mark McGrath (the lead singer), because my character Gabe's design was subconciously based off of him.
Gabe's not as cool, though. xD

Beards are strange things, people.
(I like ending on a random note. :P)
