Mood: Okay

My number of subscribers has been wavering between 193 and 196 for the past like....
Normally I don't care too much how many subscribers I have, but IT'S SO CLOSE TO 200. WHY DOESN'T IT JUST GET THERE MMRMRNN.
I started coloring this TAOMAR-themed picture. I almost finished coloring Roy... which took like an hour and a half. o3o I'll try to finish at least half of the rest of the picture tomorrow. -w-

You know what's really terrible?
From about this day last year to today, I only uploaded 18 pictures. That's less than 2 pictures a month. Aheh. >___________>
But I feel like I uploaded so much more than that! D: Well, not so much more. I think I submitted a sketch or two to the drafts, and a whole ton of random sketches to the Various Planning world. And then I sometimes uploaded wallpapers and updated comics.
But I guess I was just really inactive this year. "orz Believe it or not, I actually filled up a 100 page sketchbook throughout the year. Or about that much... I had two 100 page sketchbooks since my birthday last year, and I finished both of them recently. :I
They're mostly filled with stupid looking doodles. So maybe I just draw too much random stuff.
That's probably it.

I need to stay more focused. xD;
