I should be sleeeeping...

Mood: Not tired, even though it's midnight.... I need to stop taking naps at 5:00 PM.
Currently working on: Pic for Fire.Freak (Sketch done), TAOMAR pic (coloring), pic of Tim (inking done), Rinchu and Segran pic (sketch almost done), various other sketches that may or may not get done
Wants to work on: Pic for Arcticwulf (I'LL GET ON IT SOON! ;3;), something for icefoxchan (I have an idea already. :>), next OFAV strip(s), My Dear Princess (cover/start comic), Dreams (dialogue, etc...)
Should be working on: TAOMAR, Rock Band: Something Impossible, TinierMe commissions
Recently added: A rose by any other name..., ChibiMuffin (TinierMe)

Why do I sketch so much. I know I won't get half of them done. "orz BUT I HAVE MORE THINGS I WANT TO DRAW. IDK. I JUST WANT TO DRAW A WHOLE TON OF PICTURE IDEAS THAT ARE IN MY HEAD. ;A;

Speaking of which, I really want to draw a picture of Tomato and his boyfriend. xD I haven't drawn one of them together yet. :T
I also haven't drawn Zack in a while... or a lot of the other RB:SI characters. What exactly have I been drawing. xD
I guess I've just been doing a lot of designing for My Dear Princess. :I I still don't think I'll be able to get started on it yet, I need to figure out how to draw castles. And I think I may want to get a sketchbook specifically for the comic. (THAT WAY IT'LL BE LIKE A REAL BOOK! 8D Normally I draw comics on computer paper.)

It's midnight. Why am I posting? xD Whatever.

I really hope to finish coloring this one picture tomorrow (the TAOMAR one). But I'm not sure if I'll have time... my friend's coming over tomorrow. But I think I'll have time. Hopefully. If I don't get distracted.
...which I probably will. xD

...Idk what else to say, so heres a song I really like to listen to when I draw! :)

Took a while to find the right version. :I Idk. It was never one of their very popular songs, for some reason.

I've gotten to the last boss like, 50 times... but never beat him until now. I actually had a dream last night that I won, but then the boss tricked me into restarting the game (?!?)... so yeah. xD
