
Currently working on: This picture of Gabe and Stefan (coloring), this random comic strip (inking done), next OFAV strip (sketching), next page in TAOMAR (sketching)
Wants to work on: Pic for Arcticwulf, pic for Icefoxchan, pic of Something Impossible (inking done)
Should be working on: So many sketches... orz
Recently added:Scream Out Loud, Hiroki and Miyoko

YEAH. I'm coloring a picture. I'm almost done, I almost completely finished coloring Stefan. Now all that's left is Gabe.... I should finish today. :d It's pretty weird that I'm coloring this because I just finished the inking last night. :0 Or rather, this morning. I guess it was at like, 1:00 AM or something. I don't know why, but I usually have more energy at night/early morning. :/ I don't like being nocturnal.
But anyways. What was I saying...
Oh yeah. it's pretty weird that I'm coloring this picture already, since I just inked it. Usually it takes me a couple days/weeks/months to start the coloring because I'm so lazy. xD But I was just in the mood for coloring, for some reason. :I

I have so many sketches piling up in my sketchbook, though... "orz I guess it's called a sketchbook for a reason, though. xD GOHOAHOAHOH. Idk. I'm not making any sense.


So. Anticipate an update soon. Hopefully today. I also really want to update OFAV soon. ;~; I'm such a slowpoke when it comes to comics. I also also want to update Stefan's character profile in the Various Planning world since the one I have there is pretty boring. I think I'll do that now.

Oh! One last thing. I'm leaving for the beach on Sunday for a week. I don't think there's going to be internet connection, so I won't be online. If there's anything you want me to see starting Sunday, PM it to me so I'll get it. ;D
