Because wasting time is so much fun.

CHARACTER MEME, BECAUSE I WAS BORED! 8D Sorry. xD;;; I always do these things, and I know there not really any fun to read. BUT THEY'RE SO FUN TO TYPE!

1) Choose 5 of your OCs
2) Make your OCs answer these questions.
3) Tag 5 other people.
4) Add one question of your own.

I chose Something Impossible (Zack, Michka, Loyal, and Dare), along with Rick because I can.

1)Do you want a hug?

Zack: Depends on the person. ;D
Michka: Meh.
Loyal: Sure! :D
Dare: HUG ME.
Rick: U-uh... o... okay?

2) Are you a virgin?

Zack: Yes
Michka: Yes.
Loyal: Yes.
Dare: Yes.
Rick: Yes.

Well that was exciting.

3) Do you have any kids?

Zack: No. ...Didn’t we basically just answer this? None of us have kids. :I
Michka: Exactly.
Loyal: :D
Dare: I bet Rick has a secret adopted son.
Rick: D: I don’t.

Well that was stupid.

4) Have you killed anyone?

Zack: Nope. Not yet.... Haha, just kidding. I would never kill anyone. :D
Michka: No. Do we look like murderers? :/
Loyal: Michka looks kinda scary. :D She has an eyepatch. I haven’t killed anyone.
Dare: Nooope.
Rick: *shakes head*

5) Do you hate anyone?

Michka: My twin sister Laetitia. BECAUSE SHE’S A LOSER.
Loyal: No. :D
Dare: Nope. But I dislike some people...
Rick: No.

Pustillio is the singer for SI's rival band fire breathin grandpaZ. Laetitia is guitarist for fbZ.

6) Love anyone?

Michka: No.
Loyal: Maaaaaybe, but I dunno....
Dare: Yeah. I like Loyal.......... Which is pretty obvious, apparently. :D;
Rick: Yes....

7) Do they love you back?

Zack: ;D ;D ;D ;D
Michka: Zack’s answer is no. >:I
Loyal: Maaaaybe, but I think he likes this guy. :D
Dare: Well... she thinks Rick is my boyfriend. Which he is not. And I told her this. But she refuses to believe me. WHYYYYY.
Rick: No... ._.

8) What is your job?

Michka: I play guitar for Something Impossible. I used to have a job at the mini mart down the street. (vague directions...)
Loyal: I play drums! :D
Dare: I play bass for the band, but also work at Charlie’s Pub when I'm back home. :D YEAH.
Rick: I’m band manager... but it’s not really a job... :I

9) Any special powers?

Zack: The ability to capture peoples’ hearts with my voice. ;D Hahaha.
Michka: I can play guitar, but that’s basically it. :/
Loyal: Yeah! I can fly! :D In my dreams...
Dare: Nooopeeee. I’m a losar. See? I can’t even spell loser right.
Rick: Not really... :/

10) Favorite season?

Zack: Summer! :D VACATION!
Michka: I don’t care. :/
Loyal: I like Fall! Or Autumn. :D Because the leaves are pretty.
Dare: The season where it’s NOT COLD. D: I hate being cold.
Rick: I like spring. :)

11) Who's your best friend?

Zack: His name is BABA. :D He doesn’t say much. BUT THAT’S JUST WHAT’S SO COOL ABOUT HIM. 8D
Michka: Um... Loyal, I guess? I never really thought about it.
Loyal: :D Oh, uh... I dunno. :D
Dare: RICHARD STAIRWELL, MY BEE EFF EFF. Which reminds me of beef.
Rick: Dare’s my best friend. :) But my name’s not Richard… ._.

(Dare sometimes calls Rick “Richard” because “Rick” sounds like a nickname for Richard. Dare also sometimes calls him Ricardo, just because.
This makes no sense.)

12) Hobbies?

Zack: Singing, playing sports... Yup.
Michka: *shrugs* Shopping.
Loyal: I like shopping, too! :D I also like watching the Disney Channel. :D
Dare: I like listening to music, playing video games, watching movies.... And hang out with Rick and Tim. Yerp. -u-b
Rick: I usually go on the computer or go to Dare’s house.

13) What are you going to do when this tag is over?

Zack: Watch TV, I guess? :D
Michka: Meh.
Loyal: Um... I dunno. :D
Rick: Watch Dare eat something...?

14) What is your eye color?

Zack: Blue~ ;D
Michka: Blue.
Loyal: Hazel-ish-green-ish-thing...? :D
Dare: AZUL.
Rick: Brown. ._. Kinda boring.

15) Are you good? Or bad?

Zack: I can be good, but I can be bad sometimes. ;D ;D ;D (Zack’s totally a good guy.)
Michka: Eh. I dunno. *Shrugs* (Michka’s also a good girl, but she’s a little crass and can be mean.)
Loyal: Good, I think. :>
Dare: ...Good? That’s the kind of impression I’m trying to give.
Rick: I’m I good person... I hope... (Rick is so far from bad that it’s LAUGHABLE. Idk. But he’s not evil.)

16) What is your greatest fear?

Zack: *Shrugs* I don’t really think about that kind of stuff. :/
Michka: I dunno about “fear”, but my greatest nightmare is MY FRICKIN’ SISTER BECOMING THE MOST POPULAR GUITARIST IN THE WORLD. But luckily that hasn’t happened yet.
Loyal: Um... cliffs are pretty scary. :D So are horror movies.
Dare: I’m kinda scared of the future. :/
Rick: I don’t like being alone... or public speaking.

17) What do you think of your parents?

Zack: They’re alright. :D
Michka: Meh. (this is becoming her default answer. xD)
Loyal: ...I’m an orphan. D:
Dare: I don’t know them well, but they’re nice people. :)
Rick: I love my parents! :)

18) Any siblings?

Zack: I’ve got cousins and stuff, but I’m an only child.
Michka: Yeah. My STUPID TWIN SISTER Laetitia.
Loyal: I dunno. Maybe somewhere. :D
Dare: No. Which is kind of a good thing, because if I had a huge family like Rick’s and only one bathroom...
Rick: I’ve got my little sister Anya who’s in 8th grade, then there’s Dani in 6th grade and Michelle in 5th grade, and finally my only brother Jamie in the 2nd grade. :)

19) Was it fun to answer all these questions?

Zack: Sure, it was alright. :D
Michka: *shrugs* -___-
Loyal: YEAH! :D
Dare: Idk. It wasn’t really FUN... but it wasn’t un-fun either. :U
Rick: Um... um... yes...?

20) How do you feel about your creator?

Zack: Oh, jeez. We’re still not done? I thought that last question was supposed to wrap it up. :/ Um... Akioh’s alright. ;D But she needs to get me and Michka back together. ♥
Michka: She’s weird. -___-
Loyal: :D Um. I dunno.
Dare: She draws me too much. IN STUPID POSES. MAKE ME LOOK COOL FOR ONCE. But secretly she’s cool.
Rick: She’s fine... um. Yeah...

21) Do you have any weaknesses?

Zack: .........oh. I suck at bass. :D Really, I’ve tried. Haha. BUT OTHER THAN THAT, I HAVE NO WEAKNESS!!
Michka: Zack’s weakness is that he’s an idiot. My weakness is something that you don’t need to know. >:I
Loyal: I like clothes. :D You can use them to bribe me...
Dare: My super un-manly physique. And my un-smoothness. WHY CAN’T I BE SMOOTH LIKE SOME PEOPLE??!? ;A;
Rick: Um... yeah, I have a lot of weaknesses...

22) If you could have one wish...?

Michka: I would wish for Something Impossible to be on top.
Loyal: Um... I kinda want some cake right now. :D
Dare: *Shrugs* I’m cool with everything right now.
Rick: .................................. I don’t really want to say. .3.;;

23) Your favorite element?

Zack: ? :D Idk.
Michka: FIRE.
Loyal: Sky? :D
Dare: VAH-TAH. (Water.)
Rick: Um... I don’t know....?

24) Who is your superior?

Zack: :D Idk again.
Michka: I don’t even get this question. My superior? I’m my own boss. Duh.
Loyal: :D
Dare: My aunt, I guess. Oh, and Mr. Charlie, my boss at Charlie’s Pub. And anyone older than the age of 25, because then I feel obliged to call him/her Mr. or Mrs.
Rick: My parents and teachers, I guess. I don’t really know. xD;

25) Sexual orientation?

Zack: Straightttttt.
Michka: I’m straight.
Loyal: Me too. :D
Dare: I’m straight too, but NO ONE BELIEVES ME.
Rick: I’m gay...

26) Do you care what others think of you?

Zack: Totally! :D I want people to like me.
Michka: Meh. Who gives a crap?
Loyal: I don’t really pay attention. :>
Dare: Yeah, in a way. But also no in a way. :/ I don’t care about what some people think of me because it’s just not important.
Rick: Um... yeah...

27) Your theme song?

Zack: Jagged Gorgeous Winter by The Main Drag.
Michka: Brass in Pocket by The Pretenders.
Loyal: Six Feet Under the Stars by All Time Low.
Dare: Unwell by Matchbox 20.
Rick: Sympathy by The Goo Goo Dolls.

(I just chose songs that reminded me of them… >_____>)

28) What's your species?

Zack: 100% Human! :D I’m also French Canadian.
Michka: I’m a person.
Loyal: I’m a human, but I think it’d be cool to be a bird. :D Or a baby chick because they’re all fluffy and cute.
Dare: Huuuumaaaaan. But some people think I’m from Mars. EVEN THOUGH I’M NOT. THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS LONDON, ENGLAND ON MARS. Sorry.
Rick: I’m human.

29) What makes you sad?

Zack: Sad things on TV. :/
Michka: The past.
Loyal: Animals living in the city. D: (?)
Dare: Seeing my friends cry.
Rick: Other peoples’ hardships and the criticalness of society. (WOAH, LONGEST ANSWER OF HIS?)

30) What would you change in your past?

Zack: Michka and my breakup. :/
Michka: Pass.
Loyal: Um... Well, I'd make sure my parents don't put me in that orphanage! :D Oh wait, but I'd be a little baby... so I dunno...
Dare: I'd change that time in 9th grade when I was avoiding Rick. :( Sorry, buddy.
Rick: I'd change basically the first half of 9th grade....


Michka: Except not really.
Loyal: Probably because we’re not real. :D
Dare: You should buy it anyways. BECAUSE I SAID SO.
Rick: uh...

I wasn't sure if you were supposed to delete the last question and replace it with a new one, or just add a question. |D Anyone who decides to do this, you can totally delete this last question.

