What a cool dude.

Mood: What in the world...

Guys. Look what I found on google:
External Image

You: Why on Earth were you searching "Rick Stairwell" on google? :I

Well, I was just curious to see wheter or not Rick Stairwell could be a real name... >____>
I'm pretty sure it's not. But somehow "stair" can be a last name.
NO WAIT, I JUST FOUND A JOHN STAIRWELL. So maybe Rick Stairwell could be a real name after all. 8D
Aha yeah... I do stupid things.
But I did find out that someone on dA has an RP character named Rick Stairwell. :o

So anyways.
I just finished Dana's gift... so that means I have... like... 2 more? And I have to color Fire.Freak's.
I'm really terrible when it comes to gifts. Dx Or finishing anything, for that matter. Actually, I'm not doing too bad this summer. I uploaded 6 pictures this month. :d Last year I only uploaded like... 5 pictures during the entire vacation. xD; But then again, I have about 20 sketches laying around that I need to finish...

I've been horrible with comics this summer, though. ;A; I need to update the rock band comic! I started sketching, but then I totally forgot about it. Dx I've been engrossed in other drawings...
My sketchbook is almost full, though. That's good... I won't be able to start random drawings. xD Then I'll be able to work on things that need to get done. ;w;

Okay, that's all. Pointless talking. xD; See you 'round!
