
Recently Added: What Is Going On?

Since my sketchbook's full, I can't sketch random things. GRRAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH. I really want to. Sketching is my favorite part of drawing.
BUT ALL I HAVE IS COMPUTER PAPER. GUUUHHH. ;A; I don't want to get a new sketchbook yet, either, because then I'll just forget about all the sketches in the previous sketchbook... and I'll never finish them.
Bluh. D:

Right now I'm working on a pixel art thing of Kor. I'll upload that when I finish it, which will probably be today. :> Hopefully...
I'm also working on that picture of Tim from a million years ago... but I'm too lazy to find the link for it right now. It's somewhere in the Various Planning world. Dx Which reminds me, I should also finish that other picture of Tim from a million years ago...

My teeth hurt. xD;; I wonder if it's because I flossed between my molars...
