It's amazing!

Look at this glorious story I wrote in September 2006!

once upon a time, there lived a wittle girlie named plooph. every1 made fun of her, because of her name. her momma and dadda even made fun of her. so she ran away. plooph ran to the forest of illusion, hoping 2 find a fairy. but plooph couldnt find a fairy. so she sat on a rock, an CRIED. T^T T^T T^T
"hey," said a voice. "get ur butt offa me!"
"huuuuh??" said plooph. she was confused...
"GET UR TUSH OFFA ME!" shouted the voice. "me. THE ROCK."
"u are a VERY rude rock," whined plooph, as she got up. "im leaving."
"no! wait! im a veeery lonley rock and--"
"WAIT A SEC!!" i cried "what kind of stupid story is this?!"
"well, U made it up," complained the rock.
"no i di-dnt," i said
"oh, yes u di-id," said ploohp
uhh, THE END!

I did not change any of the grammar. xD Copied and pasted from my xanga site...

Anyways, I'm also copying Wakusei Aoshi's idea making character sheet thing.
Okay, yes. I am copying Wakusei Aoshi's idea. It looked like fun! xD But I'm not using all my characters, just the main ones that I think about often and like to draw. There's going to be 31 in all. :o
Right now I'm at 7. orz Here's a WIP:
