I had this weird dream a couple nights ago.

Mood: Satisfied
Currently working on: Character list picture, other stuff
Recently Added: Blanca

I was Zac Efron.
So anyways, in this dream my teeth were really dirty and gross, for some reason. Like... my molars were disgusting. I think they were growing mold. Ew. But my toothbrush wasn't working b/c it was really dull and not working. So my dad (who was still my dad for some reason, even though I was Zac Efron) went to buy me a toothbrush.
BUT IN THE MEANTIME, I went to this magazine interview because I'm Zac Efron. And they took my picture for this "best teeth" competition. (From the front, my teeth weren't too bad...)
Somehow, I won the "best teeth" competition. Then some random guy was like, "Oh, sure. Of course Zac Efron wins the 'best teeth' competition. D:<"
Then I woke up.
...and had the strange urge to brush my teeth...

BUT ANYWAYS, I have this song stuck in my head.

I discovered it recently... I think it was playing in a restaurant, and I was like "Hm. It sounds like Rob Thomas. (the singer for MB20)" After that, I forgot about it...
And then I heard it on Pandora radio, and I was like "Oh. This sounds so familiar..."
I like Matchbox 20 as of recent. xD I already liked some of their songs, but I've started listening to them more. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, DARE. My characters are influencing my taste in music. MB20 is Dare's favorite band or something.
Idk why I gave him a favorite band... most of the RB:SI characters have favorite bands/musicians, though. And I do try to get into the things that their interested in just so I can relate to them better. xD; I mean, it's one thing to say that a character likes high heels for example, but I think it's important to understand their interest so you can make their reactions to such things more realistic...
But that's just me.
I have a hard time relating to Kasey. :I She likes gossip magazines. Gossip just doesn't interest me. But I do skim style and semi-gossip magazines at the doctors and hairdresser's, so I guess that's a start...

OKAY. Enough ranting about nothing. I just felt the need to post in my world. xD
