Character Quiz: Rick

I should go back to doing my homework now.

1. Name: Rick Stairwell

2. Age: 17

3. Gender: Male

4. How tall is s/he? 5'9"

5. Describe their eyes: A warm brown, large-eyed

6. Sexuality: Homosexual

7. Race/Species: Human

8. Siblings? 4: Sisters Anya, Danielle, and (hmnermneh...), brother James/Jamie

9. Lover(s)? No lover at this point in time; crushing on Dare and later Tim.

10. Any talents or abilities, even if these are included in your canon (i.e. they can fly, but they live with angels, so everyone can fly)? Rick's good with electronics and organization. He's also a good dancer... secretly.

11. Any talents and abilities that are unusual in their canon (i.e. a psychic human in real life)? Nope.

12. What’s their religion/belief system? Suprisingly, he's a believer in the Christian religion despite his orientation.

13. Have you ever renamed, redesigned, or reworked this person? How? Many a time... I changed his personality and clothing style over the years. He's become more shy. But I explained all that in a post earlier...

14. Do they have an alternate form? No.

15. Are they based on a real person? More or less; some of his personality traits and mannerisms are based off of a friend of mine. I mostly use her for reference to make him more realistic. My friend and Rick aren't really the same though; for one thing, my friend's a girl.

16. Or another character? Not that I know of... or remember.

17. Do they go to school? Yes, he's in his senior year of high school.

18. How often do they spend in front of a mirror? Every morning (there's a heartache hanging from the corner of my girlfriend's four post bed...) Ahem. Usually when he's brushing his teeth in the bathroom. He'll occasionally check his hair/face throughout the day, but he's not vain.

19. If given a gun, what would they do? Give it back. xD

20. What do they like wearing? Fitted tees and not-too-skinny jeans. Oh and HATS. And converse.

21. Describe their hair: A darker blonde, comes below mid-neck, bangs come just above eyes. Apparently it's very soft.

22. Where does this character live? Around Boston.

23. Can they cook? Yes, he learned from his mom. He's the oldest in the family, so he has to cook for his siblings from time to time.

24. Would they enjoy a surprise party thrown for them? Yeah, I guess. But he's not really a PARTY party kind of guy. :d

25. Have they ever killed someone? Who? Why? Nnnnope. :D

26. Do they feel guilty about that killing/multiple killings? N/a

27. Any secrets? I guess he tries to keep his crushes a secret. In 9th grade he tried to hide his orientation. Other than that, he's a very truthful person who has nothing to hide.

28. Do they have a tattoo? Do they want one? No; no.

29. What about piercings? Both his ears are pierced, but he usually wears a stud on his right ear.

30. Medical conditions? None that I've thought about.

31. Are they generally violent? Not in the slightest. :P

32. Are they shy or outgoing? Extremely shy.

33. Honest or deceitful? Very honest. (SO DEREDEREDEREDERE...)

34. Optimistic or Pessimistic? He can be a pessimist when it comes to his own life, but he tries to look on the bright side.

35. Loving or distant? Aha, loving I think? He's shy and usually only talks naturally to close friends and family, but he's very kind.

36. Young or old? Young.

37. Bad or good? He is a kind soul. :P

38. Are they good at winning an argument? Nope. Weak willed...

39. Name something unusual about them: HE HAS THE SAME HAIRSTYLE AS STEFAN. Okay. No. Um... He doesn't have a gay boy accent in my head, but his voice is kind of unusually high pitch. (????) I'm trying to fix my brain so he sounds a little more like a guy.

40. Are they a virgin? Yes. He tries to be virtuous.

41. Have they ever had sex with their own gender? No.

42. Name some prejudices s/he has: Um... well, he doesn't like when people are mean to him, so he really tries not to be prejudice toward anyone since he's faced prejudices himself.

43. Give me something random about them: He dotes on his brother Jamie.

44. Do they drink? No.

45. Smoke? No.

46. Do drugs? No. As stated earlier, he tries to be virtuous.

47. Are they addicted to anything? Soap operas and romance novels.

48. What’s their impression on people at first glance? Um... I dunno, depends on the person who's seeing him? xD I guess people generally see him as a shy guy.

49. Is this true once they’re more well known to someone? Um... well he'll be less shy if he knows you. xD;;;

50. Name something that’s different about them now than when you first came up with them: He used to basically have the same personality as Dare. Now he's much more quiet obviously.... yeah.

51. Is there anything about this character that’s surprising to you? Um... Idk. xD; I guess I'm suprised with how his personality came out in the end. I had no idea where I was going with him when I first designed him. Same with Tim....

52. How was their childhood? Pretty good; he's got a good family that loves him, he befriended Dare. He's stressed in high school because he worries too much about his emotions.

53. What’s one of their weaknesses? Public speaking (unless it's well rehearsed), and he's physically weak in comparison to other guys.

54. Their greatest strength? As stated much earlier, he's good with electronics and organization... xD;

55. Something they hate: Playing sports (physically weak), math homework

56. Something they love: Watching baseball (the only sport he likes), his family and friends

57. How’s their self esteem? Moderately low

58. One thing they hate about themselves: Awkwardness around people

59. One thing they love about themselves: Um... he doesn't really LOVE anything about himself? Or he hasn't really thought about it. (He's a character, so I guess he can't really think about it.. xD;;;)

60. How’s their ego? Pretty much has no ego; denies compliments (in a bashful way)

61. Describe their past: Pretty normal. He moved to Boston in the 4th grade and met Dare. Concluded he was gay in the 9th grade and has a brief episode of depression.

62. How was their family life? Pretty good, his mom loves him, and while there's occasional awkwardness around his dad, his dad loves him too. His siblings also look up to him, but he's closest in age to Anya (even though they're 5 years apart) and talks to her the most about general things. He dotes on his other siblings, especially his little brother Jamie.

63. Are they happy now? Why? For the most part; he's still a little sad b/c he (kind of secretly even though he denies it) wants Dare to fall in love with him. But what he also wants is for Dare to continue being his friend.

64. Do you like them? Yeah, I like Rick. I think he's a nice dude... He's the character that I get a little upset over if someone makes a mean-ish comment about his orientation because he's such a nice guy. (I don't care as much if people make comments on Tomato and TB for some reason.)

65. Would you get along with them if you met them in real life? Yeah, I think so. After we both get over our shyness. xD /naturally shy

66. Would they like you? ...I guess? xD He does have traces of me in him since I made him.

67. Are they smart? He's smart, but has to work harder than Dare or Tim to get the same grades as them.

68. Are they tricky? Aha, no? xD; (What does this mean...)

69. Do you know how they are going to die? Takara suggested he dies by falling off a brick stairwell.
His death is irrelevent to the story, so I haven't thought about it. xD

70. Do you plan on killing them off? Nope.

71. Do they like to read? Yes. Romansu.

72. What’s their favorite… book? The Romance of the Romance Man Femio series. (I just made that up. What is this such a stupid title...)

73. Movie? 17 Again, maybe.

74. Person? Aha, Dare I guess.

75. Time of day? Morning.

76. Animal? Kit kat kit kat. =^_^= (cat.) My cousin said that on Words with Friends to this random guy...

77. Thing to do? Hang out with Dare.

78. Are you tired of this meme yet? It's distracting me from my homework. 8D

79. Has it helped you? I guess, it was interesting to fill out.

80. Will you do it for another character? MAYBE SOMEDAY...

81.Go tag someone. And go tell xxcrashgirlxx on deviantART that you used it!

I don't need to tag because I know someone out there will feel intrigued to do this...
