Soooooo uuuugh...

Mood: I want to play Klonoa 2. But I'm doing homework.

Uuuugh. JUST 5 MORE HISTORY IDENTIFICATIONS, THEN I'LL BE DONE WITH MY SUMMER HOMEWORK!!! ;A; Well, not really. I still have an English worksheet and two 1-page essays. But that'll be easy. Hopefully.

BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THAT! I start school on Tuesday. :I So expect me to be less active.... Yeah. I'm pretty satisfied with myself this summer, I managed to upload like.... 14 fan arts, a couple strips, and some TAOMAR. I really wanted to work on Rock Band... but I never got around to it. ;A; I actually have the next page sketched out. I'll ink it soon enough...
SPEAKING OF INKING! My pens were dying... which is why I've been slow to ink stuff. Dx I really hate pens. But I got some new pens today. They're supposed to not dry out very fast or something. Hopefully they'll last longer than the ones I usually get. And they're like, 10 dollars cheaper, so.... HOPEFULLY. They're the same brand, though, so I don't really get it. xD
Also, I bought a GREY PRISMACOLOR MARKER! WOOOOO! 8D I've needed one for a while.... Yup. Oh, I also found out they sell COPICS AT MICHAEL'S! :O Well, individually. And they're the "sketch" kind, so I don't know how different they are from the normal ones... Yeah. And they're like 6 dollars each. EXPENSIVE. WHYYYY. ;3;

Okay. That's all. I'm so bad at ending posts...
