School and OC quiz (another one. xD;;)

Mood: Decent

I had no school today because of flooding. I live on this hill thing, so my house didn't get flooded.
Speaking of school, my first week was pretty good. :) I'm looking forward to art class, and suprisingly, history class looks fun, too. Although, since my school uses block scheduling, I have all my electives on one day and most of my core classes on the other day. Which is weird. xD;

Um... To make this post longer, here's a quiz-meme thing Takara made for me a while ago! yeah. xD;

Pick 5 OCs
1. Alcott
2. Luli
3. Ms. Marigold
4. Tim
5. Stefan


1. Hello! Introduce yourselves! Name, age and gender, please.

Alcott: My name is Alcott Stophcres, the son of a rich entrepreneur. I’m 17 years old, and a boy of highly noble birth.
Luli: I am Luli, I am a girl, and I like to say that I am 17.
Ms. Marigold: You may call me Ms. Marigold. I am a woman, but I am afraid I cannot give you my age. (She’s around 20-25)
Tim: Hey, I’m Tim Ackart. I’m 17 and a boy.
Stefan: I’m Stefan, Tomato’s Manager. I’m a guy, and… I’m not old yet. ¬_¬ (He’s 30.)

2. What’s your favorite holiday?

Alcott: My birthday, of course. It’s a day to celebrate me!
Luli: Why, in my opinion, every day is a holiday. :>
Ms. Marigold: It is foolish to favor any day above the rest.
Tim: *Shrugs* I don’t really have a favorite since I don’t do anything different on holidays.
Stefan: New years. (Because he has an excuse to drink.)

3. Do you have a favorite TV show?

Alcott: “TV”? What? (He’s from the 1800s.)
Luli: Oh, dear. I cannot say I know the answer to this question…
Ms. Marigold: …
Tim: I like Soul Eater, D.Gray-Man, Oofuri… (They’re animes... that I don't watch! 8D hahaha.)
Stefan: ………What Not to Wear.

4. How is your love life?

Alcott: Hmph… The idea never really interested me. (He’s… almost too childish to fall in love. xD;)
Luli: It goes as it pleases. :> (???)
Ms. Marigold: I am incapable of experiencing the emotion. (asexual)
Tim: Yeaaahhh…. It’s not going well for me. :/
Stefan: ………… *falls into a deep pit of emotional depression* (it’s bad. xD)

5. What do you think of your past?

Alcott: My life was so boring… my parents never allowed me to do anything. >:T They kept me locked up in the manor all the time.
Luli: Oh yes… I do not really have one of those. :D (Luli just kind of exists, idk where she really came from. xD)
Ms. Marigold: It is something I locked away from my memory. Please do not remind me of it.
Tim: It kinda sucked. :/
Stefan: Sigh… :I I’d rather not talk about it.

6. What do you think of your future?

Alcott: I’m… hm… I’ve never thought about it before. I suppose I’ll settle for inheriting my father’s job.
Luli: The future is a mystery to me, but that is the joy of it.
Ms. Marigold: In my future, I will be the same as I am now. That is how it will be forever.
Tim: *shrugs* Hopefully things’ll get better. I guess my life’s starting to look up, compared to what it used to be.
Stefan: I’m slowly progressing up in my job… one day I’ll be the center of attention instead of Tomato. >:T

7. What is/was your favorite subject in school?

Alcott: I don’t go to school, I have private tutors to teach me. *snobby snob snob* I suppose my favorite subject to learn is piano… but I can’t say I really enjoy it. Actually, it bores me a bit.
Luli: I am afraid I cannot answer this question, either. :> (she didn’t go to school)
Ms. Marigold: I… use to enjoy poetry.
Tim: Uh… It’s all kinda boring. I like Japanese class, though. That’s the only interesting class I’m taking.
Stefan: Photography.

8. Favorite memory?

Alcott: Eh. (idk. He can’t recall any favorite memories b/c he thinks everything is boring?)
Luli: I quite enjoyed the day I created Dreams. :>
Ms. Marigold: My memories do not concern you.
Tim: That day in 8th grade when I met Dare and Rick.
Stefan: ... *falls into another deep pit of emotional depression*

9. Most embarrassing moment?

Alcott: I never embarrass myself. Hmph. (this is not true. xD)
Luli: When Alcott told me it was a mistake to bring him to Dreams, well… that was a bit embarrassing. Why, I hardly ever make mistakes like that! :o
Ms. Marigold: *silent* (she thinks it’s a stupid question.)
Tim: What the heck? I have to tell you? :I
Stefan: Probably something when I was drunk, but I can’t say I really know. :T

10. Where do you live?

Alcott: I used to live in England, until Luli abducted me. >:I
Luli: I live in a mansion in Dreams! :)
Ms. Marigold: I live in Dreams.
Tim: Near Boston, Massachusetts.
Stefan: Paris, France. THE GRATEST PLACE EVER. *¬* …Ahem.

11. What’s your favorite article of clothing?

Alcott: The top hat, of course! It completes any outfit.
Luli: Umbrellas. :> (Not even an article of clothing...)
Ms. Marigold: It is not necessary to have a favorite article of clothing. It neither benefits nor interests me.
Tim: *Shrugs* Shirts?
Stefan: Suits.

12. What fascinates you most?

Alcott: I find it fascinating when Luli uses magic. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen.
Luli: The whole world is full of fascinating things, but I have quite an interest in the moon.
Ms. Marigold: The absolute stupidity of that boy over there. (She means Alcott.)
Tim: People who never lie are pretty fascinating.
Stefan: The world of FASHION.

13. Can you stand the sight of blood?

Alcott: *shudders* Not at all. Gruesome things don’t interest me.
Luli: It saddens me, but I suppose you could say I can handle it.
Ms. Marigold: Too many memories are associated with such things.
Tim: In movies and video games, sure. Depends on the situation in real life.
Stefan: Ugh. No. Just thinking of it makes me queasy. ;-;

14. If you had to pick one, what animal would you like to be?

Alcott: A human! Why would I want to be a filthy animal?! D:<
Luli: I think it would be quite nice to be a warm cup of tea. :D (…that’s not an animal.)
Ms. Marigold: A stealthy being such as a cat would do nicely.
Tim: A bird.
Stefan: Hm… well, I like dogs. :/ But I also like cats. I’d kind of like to be a tiger for their handsome fur.

15. How often do you cry?

Alcott: I never cry! I’m not a baby! D:< (he does cry when he’s sad, though. I guess?)
Luli: Hardly ever. Life is too wonderful to be spent crying. :>
Ms. Marigold: Never.
Tim: That’s kind of personal... :/
Stefan: ... *the deep pit of emotional depression continues* (He sometimes cries when he has a lot on his mind.)

16. How often do you laugh?

Alcott: Hm, yes, well… *cough* Not that often, I’d say… *fidget fidget* (He spends most of his time complaining.)
Luli: I fill my life with a daily dose of laughter.
Ms. Marigold: Never. (She may chuckle from time to time, but this happens more often toward the end of the story.)
Tim: Enough, I guess. Usually when I’m with Rick and Dare.
Stefan: I don’t know. Why would I be keeping track? >:I

17. What item(s) can you not live without?

Alcott: I don’t know. I can’t say I ever thought about it. (He has everything in his life, so he takes everything for granted.)
Luli: People~
Ms. Marigold: Air, water, and food.
Tim: MY XBOX. ...I mean air, water, food.... >3>
Stefan: *Shrugs* Clothes?

18. How do your friends describe you?

Alcott: ... (he doesn’t really have any friends. Yet...)
Luli: The residents say I am a bit strange, but they enjoy my company anyhow. Ms. Marigold tells me I am compassionate.
Ms. Marigold: I have no friends to describe me.
Tim: They think I’m “cool” and whatever.
Stefan: Siiiighhh... I have no friends... (he doesn’t realize that the OFAV cast members are his friends. :d)

19. How do you describe yourself?

Alcott: Well, I’m smart, talented, and rich. I suppose you could say I’m the perfect boy.
Luli: Hm... well, I am rather Luli-ish. :> And quite petite. Oh dear...
Ms. Marigold: Emotionless.
Tim: Pathetic.
Stefan: Undesirable. :/

20. Is there something you wish you could do?

Alcott: I am a bit jealous of Luli’s magic...
Luli: Oh yes. I would like all the residents in Dreams to be satisfied. :)
Ms. Marigold: I will not share such information with you.
Tim: Yeah, I’d like to... uh... something…. >_> (*cough*get rick to like him*cough*)
Stefan: I wish I was a model... and I wish I had a lover... ;A;

21. What is your best talent?

Alcott: I’m good at everything. *snobbysnobby* Especially music.
Luli: Hm... I think I am quite good at floating. (???)
Ms. Marigold: Consulting.
Tim: Uh... Rick likes my drawings. So maybe I’m good at drawing. But I don’t really think so. :/ (He likes to doodle.)
Stefan: Weeeeeell, I’m good at photography and organization. I also took tennis classes when I was younger. -u- (Hohohoho.)

22. Pick a number and tell me why you picked it.

Alcott: 42. Because you told me to pick a number. >:I
Luli: 3.14... because pie goes great with tea. :>
Ms. Marigold: 0. It is a neutral number.
Tim: 2... because 2 makes a couple. (BAHA.)
Stefan: 24. That’s how old I wish I was.

23. For every letter in your first name, pick a word starting with each letter which appeals to you.

Alcott: Apricots. Luli. Clarinets. Original. Tulips. Tall houses.
Luli: Love. Unknown. Likelihood. Intriguing.
Ms. Marigold: Words do not interest me.
Tim: Full name...? Can I just do “Tim”? Timothy’s too long. So uh... here: Tranquility, independence, maturity.
Stefan: Steak. Things. Energy drinks. Fashion. Acquaintances. Night.

24. Sweet or sour?

Alcott: *cough* ...sweet foods, I suppose…
Luli: Sweet foods, of course! There is nothing more satisfying than a lovely cup of sweetened tea with cakes~
Ms. Marigold: Sweet...
Tim: Depends on the food, haha.
Stefan: I like sour candies more than sweet candies.

25. Spicy or mild?

Alcott: Spicy. What good is food if it has no flavor? :I
Luli: Oh... I prefer my foods a bit milder. :>
Ms. Marigold: It does not matter.
Tim: Spicy. :d
Stefan: Mild. :/ I can’t really handle spicy stuff.

26. Day or night?

Alcott: Daytime. There’s never anything to do at night, besides sleeping. :I
Luli: Both are equally nice~
Ms. Marigold: Night.
Tim: Day, so I can spend time with people I like.
Stefan: Night, when the bars are open. And I don’t have Tomato to annoy me.

27. Dreams or reality?

Alcott: I’m um... a bit of a dreamer, actually...
Luli: Dreams, of course! It is my town, after all~ (that’s not what the question meant...)
Ms. Marigold: ...
Tim: Dreams, I guess.
Stefan: *shrugs* Sometimes I like reality, but sometimes I prefer dreams.

28. What do you think of your present life?

Alcott: Well, it was boring until I came to Dreams.
Luli: Fantastic, as always.
Ms. Marigold: Adequate.
Tim: Kinda eh...
Stefan: Same as Marigold. It could be better. :/

29. What do you want most right now?

Alcott: To go home. >:(
Luli: Hm… a cupcake would be delicious right now. :> (she could take it for a trip on the lake! 8D /inside joke)
Ms. Marigold: Perfection.
Tim: ...................... *avoids eye-contact* (*cough*Rick*cough*)
Stefan: Popularity would be nice, for a change.

30. Do you want to change?

Alcott: I don’t need to change. (He really needs to lose the arrogance.)
Luli: Oh no, the clothes I am wearing are fine. :D
Ms. Marigold: ...
Tim: Absolutely.
Stefan: Eh. I don’t know. :I
