
Mood: My neck won't stop hurting when I turn it to the right! D:
Recently added: This title is to long. :U, Beside a River

My locker this year is in a relatively good place, in that it's close to all my classes. Unfortunately, there's a TON of traffic that comes through the hallway it's in, and my locker is right next to this guy who has a lot of guy friends who like to talk really crudely.
But it's not that bad. I can use that guy as a reference for when I'm coming up with dialogue for Jake, since he's very similar to how I want Jake to be. Or something like that. 8D I hate coming up with Jake's dialogue. Hm. I should design him and Clair eventually...

BUT ANYWAYS. Speaking of lockers. I usually manage to get really badly located lockers. xD; Except in 7th grade, when my locker was totally problem-free. But in 8th grade, my locker was on the other side of the school in relation to my classes, and it was right next to these kids who liked to make out every day when school let out.
8th graders. Who made out.
Then in 9th grade, my locker wasn't bad. I think there was a lot of traffic where my locker was, but besides that it was fine. Oh, but it was puny because the school gives small lockers to freshman and big lockers to seniors.
In 10th grade, there were a bunch of people who always liked crowding around the area where my locker was. Mm. Fun.
And then there's my locker this year.

Hm. So that's pretty much it, as far as life is going. School's pretty normal thus far. I totally messed up on this timed writing we did in English. :/
I'm also inking this pic from months ago, but there's a background and I keep messing up. ;A; OH WELL.

Okay. :D; Yeah. Have a nice weekend!
