Okey-doke, then.

Mood: Meh. I have to do homework today.
Currently working on: A pic of Falorin, on-and-off with that pic of Tim, TinierMe commissions

Well, I said a couple posts ago that I'd be submitting the picture of the new character Krowne when I got it back from my art teacher, bu she decided to display my picture (among others) in the school hallway-gallery-thing. So.... I won't be getting that for a couple more weeks. xD I'll try to draw another picture of her, and submit that one. The art project wasn't even in color, anyways.

So um... yeah. School's really beating down on me. I have both of my AP (college) classes on the same day. And even better, I go from one AP class consecutively to the next AP on those days. xD;;;;;; IT'S TERRIBLE! ;A; But that's okay, they're college classes. They're supposed to be hard.
That also means I have both of my AP class' homework on the same day. It's really strange... I'm booked for homework on one day, then the next day I have almost none. xD; IT'S WEIRD!

But yeah. I'm working on A Life Like This right now, and discovered that Rick's story is probably going to be the least interesting.
Sorry Rick.
But it's okay because you're Rick.

This is totally random, but at the mall yesterday there was this dude sleeping on a couch in a furniture store, and some random lady was taking a picture of him. xD
It made me want to somehow incorporate a scene like that in my story. For some reason.
Just you wait and see.

I really need to update RB:SI. I have the next page sketched, but I have yet to ink it.... and shade it... Dx
