
Mood: Arughjl. Sick.

One of the things I do when I'm bored is look at old drawings of mine. I happened to stumble across this one:
External Image
It's my old characters, Ichio (black hair, back) and Mikato (brown hair, front)!! 8D
Goodness gracious. I can't stand these two characters anymore. xD They were extremely boring oh my goodness. No personality. Especially Mikato. And Ichio was just mad all the time. Basically, they had no life and were just like "MMMM BEH-BEH I LOVE YOU♥♥" and "NO WAY BOOYYY I LOVE YOU MOOORE♥♥♥" all the time. And that was like, their whole story.
Oh, except one "important plot concept" was that no one knew that Ichio was gay. But I mean, look at him. Most people wouldn't assume he's straight. xD
Aaaahaha... the characters I created in 8th grade. Thank goodness I stuck with Marth and Roy for most of that year.
Actually, I made Dare, Michka, and Rick that year............ Along with others. Whoa. :o Who knew it's been so long? I guess I just recently celebrated my 3rd otakuversary...

IDK, MAYBE I'LL REVAMP MIKATO AND ICHIO ONE DAY? I did that for Jamal, and I'm fairly satisfied with his story and character now. :U Jamal was named by my sister Takara (afterglow), by the way. It was a joke name... he was originally going to be named something like KAKIRONO. I totally just made that up right now. But you know, something "Japanese-y". I like the name Jamal now. xD

OKAY BACK TO HOMEWORK. I love ranting about my characters...
Sorry to bore you. xD

How was your day? Mine was bluhuh. Achoo. Sore throat. Sick.
