Naaa na na naaaa na na...

Mood: Rather unenthused
Currently working on: Yeah, about that....
Recently Added: Pattern Krowne, Kiel Kyoko (TinierMe Commission)

Sorry for the lack of activity. D: I've been TERRIBLY LAZY.... Ugh. I'm not as energetic as I used to be back in the day of MIDDLE SCHOOL.... ;3;
I MEAN, LOOK AT THIS ENERGY!!! Oh my gosh, I even did these little role-plays as Roy, Marth, Ike, and Pit!!! ;A; THAT'S SO FUN! I should do that again sometime...
AND LOOK! Here's the first time I talked about the Rock Band characters! [click] ;3;
Waaah. Why can't I be so freakishly energetic anymorreeeeeE????? DDDDD:
In memory of my 8th grade self, I will be energetic for the rest of this post.

HEY GUYS! YEAH! WOOOYEAH. I got my grades for the 1st quarter of the school year. 8D Yay. They were really good, actually. :DDDDD I was surprised. ALL A'S AND ONE A-!
8D That's what I got as my final marks for last year, so this year is already starting out better academically. :> Yay. And it's junior year, so this is important and stuff. I guess. :M School is still sucking up all my free time. Dx Bah. BUT OH WELL! I actually had the whole weekend to draw, but I was extremely unenthusiastic last weekend and didn't feel like doing anything. D: Hopefully now that I've looked through some old entries and reminded me of how energetic I used to be, I'll GET PUMPED AND DRAW SOME ART! 8D

I have nothing to work on, though. ;A; WHYYY???? I have a lot of sketches from summer that I could finish, but I don't really want to ink them. xD; Haha...

Actually, I was looking at my Rock Band: Something Impossible comic that I havn't updated in FOREVER, and felt like finishing the next page. :,D So maybe I'll do that!
It will be done. ANTICIPATE IT! Oh yeah, and I need to work on commissions... :I Eh..

Does it sound energetic? Not really... Ahaha. xD; I'm sorry, I have no entusiasm anymore. ;~;
But I'll end this with
