My sister's reading the pedophiliac book Lolita by that one guy Nabokov. It is not about Lolita fashion, btw. What does this have to do with anything? Well, my dad showed us a trailer for the movie.
YAAAAH YAAAAAH! WOAH, WOAH, YAAAAH YAAAAAAAAH!!! What an annoying song. And what's with the tagline? "How did they ever make a movie of Lolita?"

BUT ANYWAYS! I'm going to tell you about my Christmas. :D

For Christmas I got:

  • Kiki's Delivery Service
  • Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva
  • These really cool boots
  • A watch
  • Some manga that I hadn't read before
  • LOZ: Skyward Sword
  • Lots of clothes

Takara and I watched the Professor Layton movie and Kiki's Delivery Service already. :,) They were both awesome. PROFESSOR. YOU ARE SO COOL. It was so fun to see the PL characters moving for a whole hour and a half. The clips in the games are usually only a couple seconds long. ;u; I think Luke's voice must've been the UK voice actor because he sounded a little different. Although, Luke has an English accent in the US games, as well... so idk. BUT STILL IT WAS AWESOME. ;0; It's sad for me that the next games are for the 3DS, since I only have a normal DS....

Kiki's Delivery Service was adorable, too!!! TOMBO IS SO CUTE. WHY IS THERE LIKE NO FAN ART OF HIM HERE OR ANYWHERE. DKLFJASLFJASLKF. Really. I want to draw him now. He is so funny. Like a nerd-punk. (???)
It was a really good movie, I recommend it to EVERYONE! :,D

About the manga that I got.... I told my dad that he could get me some manga for Christmas, and I told him to pick out ones I hadn't read. I also said to make sure they weren't too mature in content.... So he gets me Love Hina, which is full of fan service, panty shots, and tons of awkward situations. @_@ It was a "3 volumes in 1" book. I read the whole thing because my dad got it for me, but I don't think I'll read any more... You know, the story wasn't so bad once there actually started to be a storyline. But there was waaaay too much fan service for my taste. Like, every 8 pages it seemed like.
He also got me Black Bird, this shoujo manga that also had some awkward scenes in it. Not nearly as much, though... The story didn't interest me too much either, but that's okay. I READ THEM! YES I DID.

He probably got me weird books on purpose. xD He's funny. When I was opening one of my presents from him, I had unwrapped a VICTORIA'S SECRET BOX. But when I opened the box, it was a bunch of jeans which I had asked for. xD SILLY, DADDY...

I haven't played Skyward Sword yet b/c we didn't bring the wii to my grandma's house. :M I will soon, when I get back.

SO YEAH! Christmas was fun. But my cousin from Massachusetts wasn't able to come. ;A; Boo hoooooo.... I told him I would cry painful tears of pain if he didn't come. So that's what I'm doing now. Virtually...

