
Mood: Pretty decent. :9
Currently working on: Surprisingly, that picture of Gabe.
Recently added: Mizuki for Otakufangirl, 2011 Art Summary, Apprentice No. 1

I don't post in this world as much as I used to. ;A; I find that I have nothing to say these days since I'm always swamped with schoolwork. xD

I'll tell you about this dream I had, I guess. >3> I had a dream about my character Tim's mom, which is weird because I hardly dream about my characters, and when I do, it's usually about the characters I like. xD; But it was also weird because she had a different name, and her hair was red like Tim's. Actually, I first designed her to have the same hair color as Tim... but then I decided against it because I thought it'd be better if Tim got his looks from his dad rather than his mom. Yeah.
Tim's mom's name in my dream was Marge, for some reason... her actual name is Cassidy. :D;
So in this dream, I was reading a book with Tim's mom in it, and somehow she came out of it and came to life. Then we drove her around town and went to my uncle's house and played video games. (???)

AND THAT'S ABOUT IT. So pointless. What is this.

I guess I'll go back to drawing now... I'M ACTUALLY COLORING!!! I know. I'm shocked too.

Have a goodly awesometastic, fresh-off-the-grill day! 8D Yeah, idk. I used to say idk a lot, but I don't think I've been saying it as much lately...
Well, I don't say it in real life. Only on the internet.

OKAY, ENOUGH. I'm so bad at ending posts. xD;
