Idk, a post. :M

Mood: Awake
Currently working on: pic of Zack and Michka, and a pic for the Street Style challenge

I've been thinking about Zack and Michka lately, and I remembered how much I like them. xD In fact, I'm drawing a pic of them back when they were in high school that I'll probably never finish.
Man, I haven't worked on the RB comic in ages.............. I know what to draw, I just don't feel like drawing it. ;m; But I do kind of want to draw Michka and Zack's backstory. Maybe eventually.... Idk. xD
I need to draw my characters more. I mean all of them. xD I pay too much attention to Dare, Tim, Rick, Gabe, Stefan, and kind of Tomato and TB. And Dean a bit, but he's not my character.

Also, I was surprised today that my history teacher from 9th grade remembered me and started talking to me. :o It was surprising because I never talked much in his class. xD Speaking of history, the new school principal came in to our history class to meet us today. I think he seems like a nice guy. He came so we could ask questions and make suggestions about what problems we students had about the school. I didn't say anything, but he seems very truthful and empathetic to teenagers from the stuff he said. :D Yup.
Nice people are cool people.

Short post, I just felt like updating for no reason. :9
