Moonlit Dreams Disney Adventures: pt 1

mood: tired.. x_x
Currentally working on: The adventures of marth and roy: ch. 1, pg. 9/10
also working on: marth lowell
will work on: FEA (Fire Emblem Alchemist)

TIRED. guh.... i am sooooh tired. x_X nuuu.... i havent been on any extreme roller coasters or anything, cos i hate them.... but IM STILL REALLY TIRED. x_x i was walking around all day.... x3 i have almost no time to draw. ;3;
About the rides... i went on Splash Mountain. The water was REALLY STINKY. >_< it smelled sooooo bad. -___________- meh... too tired to type too much.... tune in for the next part of the "disney Adventures".
