w00t~ is an awesome word, noh? :3

Mood: w00t~
Currently working on: The adventures of Marth and Roy: ch.1 pg. 15(fan comics), Chiming Bells, prolouge(fan comics)
Also working on: Kiyumi Arashima, atlantica Form (still!! x_X)(Fan Art), Something w/ Rinchu Katohashi, my OC. (Fan Art)

Yes, I know. You're all jealous of the word w00t~ xD Yea. So, I made a picture with Rinchu Katohashi. :3 I drew her like... 10 times yesterday, on a piece of paper. xD Yea... Brainstorming costumes... Oh. You may not know this, but she's gonna be in TAOMAR. (Dx TAOMARRRR!!! xDD) :0 Noh way, dood. An oc in a SSB comic? That's not allowed, dood. xD Yes it is, for I am the author. She'll appear in deh 3rd chapter. :0 I'm planning it aaaall out. xD It'll be deh shoujo chapter. x0 Starring Marth, of course.
Marth: What? Why me?
Because you're the girly-est. :3
Marth: -_-
Yea so.... Submitting deh pictow.... woo~ accepted!! xD
Editt:: hehe... .3. 2 ts. xD ANYWAYS... Just here to say that I just finished CHAPTER ONEE!! :0 (In The Adventures of Marth and Roy.) yehh... I just have to do the next chapter page, and I can get started on CHAPTER TWO. >:0
