Rock band obsessed...

Mood: Lalala...
Currently working on: Stuff, fool

...I love rock band 2... xDD I love making characters!! >w< Takara (my sis) and I made a few characters, and I decided to draw them. :3 Now I have an urge to make a rock band 2 comic... >.>;; Weird much? x] I'll probably post up pics I drew of them in a few days... :] Anywhoooo, the characters are:
Michka [female] (Sorry I used your name, Fire.Freak. o3o I thought it sounded really cool. xD), Zack [male] (Actually, it's ZACK. xD with all caps...), Loyal [female], and Dare [male]. :3 w00t, w00t~! xD We made other characters on our cousins Rock Band 2 game, and they're Lucia [female], Laetitia (pronounced lay-tish-uh) [female] (this is actually my cousins character. XD), Mitsubishi (O_o;;) [male] (Another one of my cousins characters), and Ace [male] (Yet another character by another cousin). ._.;; That was an odd ramble... and it's not over yet. xDD
Cough.... Anyways, Michka, Zack, Loyal, and Dare are in the band called Something Impossible. xD Michka and Zack used to be in the same band as Lucia, Laetitia, Mitsubishi, and Ace. (By the way, their band was called The Fire Breathin Grandpaz. xDD Mitsubishi was the grandpa of the group...) Michka and Laetitia are sisters (Michka claims she's the prettier of the two...), Zack is in love with Michka (xD), and Dare has a crush on Loyal. :3 yup, yup... xD For some reason, we have some weird stories with these characters.
Yeahh... Anyways, If I do make zee Rock Band 2 comic, I already have a basic concept of the story. so that's good...
Siiigh... Anyways, if you actually bothered to read all of that, congradulations. x3 What I actually wanted to say is that I'm writing a song. ^_^ I have a lot of the instrumental stuff in my head too... so... yay. xDD I got the idea of the song from listening to all of the songs in rock band 2. :D w00t~
This post was a result of playing too much Rock Band 2...
