Ughhh. -_-

Mood: Marth-like (Uh-oh! More role-playing!)
Currenlty working on: Eh... Laundry?
Recently added: Florina, Contest Entry, Calling All Cosplayers

Hey. Akioh feels like role-playing as Me (Marth) today. -_- Not that I really care or anything. Siiiigh...
Um... Yeahh... I'm sorry that I'm not nearly as happy as Roy, but whatever.
Eh. *Takes out Script*
On Akioh's list of exciting events today, we have:

  • Played FE: Radiant Dawn on Normal (which she failed horribly at by the way)
  • Drew random crap
  • slept
  • watched the food network (Rachael Ray's my hero, by the way... ¬///¬)

... and that's all. Woo. I guess I can just ramble about my problems now, right? :D *Tosses script*

Well, first I would like to say something about the previous post. Roy had said that Akioh couldn't get past chapter 6 in FE: Fuin no Turugi or whatever, but you know what? In MY game, she gets past the prolouge and LOSES HER DS. WITH THE GAME CARD IN IT. -A-+ KEEP TRACK OF YOUR STUFF, AKIOH. Gosh. And how come she never draws me with cool poses??? I'm always either some grumpy loser, or a freaky girly man! Aaaargh!! Everyone gives me a hard time just because I wear a crown! (YES, a crown. NOT a headband.) I got it as a gift from a friend of mine (according to the Fire Emblem manga), okay?! Do you expect me to just toss it so I'll look more "manly"?
Oh yeah. And also...
Why did Akioh give me the weirdest personality, traits, and special skills?? Although she didn't tell you yet, she gave me ASTHMA. WHY THE HECK WOULD SHE GIVE ME ASTHMA? Just to make my life more inconvenient? (That statement was not intended to offend people with asthma.) Other traits and skills she gave me are a strange liking for sweet things (Mainly strawberries), The ability to play violin, the ability to do housework (Laundry, cooking, ironing, ect...), studying in my free time (why??), and the ability to do BALLET.
What. The. Heck.
Ballet??! She makes Ike a soccer and baseball super-star, Roy an unusually popular boy, Pit a harpist (Which makes sense cos angels are usually associated with harps), and I like to dance Ballet. -_-+ And what's this about doing housework? What am I, a housewife? Rrrgh... I swear, she gave me the most STUPID character traits, just to make me a really weird character.

Not that any of you really care, anyways.
If any of you bothered to read that, you have my gratitude.
Who knows what Akioh wants to do for the next post. Probably more role-playing, cos she's weird like that.

Later, guys.
