Marth here...

Mood: Annoyed, because Akioh's too lazy to do her own posts in her own world.
Currently working on: Why don't you ask Akioh, huh? -_-+
Recently added:
Fan Art:
Segran, Zack, Egar, Michka, Lucia Rose

Fan Comics:
TAOMAR: Side Stories, Moonlit Dream's Drawing Tutorial: Eyes 2, The Adventures of Marth and Roy: Ch. 2, pg. 24

Quit being a lazy bottom, and making me do all the work around here!! D:<
Abyways, hey guys. It's Marth, in case you didn't catch that.
Akioh's being a fool.
As always.
She's been really busy, because the school year's almost over. So yeah... tests and stuff. She's busy with that.
She will be doing contest prizes and contest scoring soon, so please, all of you, be patient. As for the "awesome people of the month", she may have to delay because of all that crap. Siigh...
Aaaanyways, be patient with her.
