
Well, i'm back in the library again, so yay! i have nothing to do! *sigh* actually, i should be looking up college's websites and crap, but i don't really want to right now.......... dots........... dots r fun!........ *cough cough* pardon that. In any case, i finally got the stupid lifeguarding certificate things in yesterday! I expected them to be nice, lamenated cards since it took the silly place about a month to get them in, but no. They're just small pieces of slightly official looking paper that have my name on them and say that i'm certified to be a lifeguard. XP I was rather disappointed. Oh! Which reminds me, my Spanish teacher (without realizing it) made up a new word yesterday: disfortunate.... yeah, it's just kind of sad what bad grammer some of the teachers have. i mean, i know i don't have the best grammer, but i'm not trying to educate other people. Also yesterday, over the afternoon announcements, our vice prinicipal said "have brang" ..... i wanted to run up to the front office and choke her. Does that make me likely to get an English Major in college? o.0 Speaking of college, i was looking at the majors offered by this one school and i was shocked to see that one can major in "medieval studies." That would be so awesome! i was super excited. Even my dad saying "what kind of job would you get with a major in 'medieval studies'?" could not crush my spirits. Well, i should probably look at some of those college websites now, so i'll ttyl!

~moonshine7 / shadowslayer7~
