
Haha! That's right. I got my first paycheck yesterday *squee* It wasn't supposed to come until today, but we lucked out and got them early ^^ I'm going to try to use it to save up for a car, but if that doesn't work, then i'll just use it to buy a nice new radio system for the enormous, gas-consuming car that i drive right now. It gets kinda old driving around without any music. I constantly find myself singing in the car just to fill the silence. Sometimes, i even talk to myself o.0 but that's actually really normal for me XD

In any case, now that i have some money, i'm having to decide how much to put in a checking account and how much in the savings account and how much i should just keep in raw cash. Es very annoying XP Well, that's all i really have to say, so i'll ttyl!

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