Brother, Grandfather, and Borders

I don't think i've mentioned this, but my brother was gone this past week to some camp-ish thing at Vanderbilt, so yesterday we all left bright and early in the morning to pick him up XP however, before we left, my mp3 player decided to freeze up, and the only way to fix it is to let the battery die and then charge it up again. it was then that i realized that my mp3 player has a super long battery life. it finally died some time during the night *pauses in post to take Nana outside* whew, it's hot outside! o.k. where was I? Right! picking up my brother. Well, after we picked him up we went and ate at the Golden Corral(sp) which is a super awesome buffet, then my mom decided that since we were already in the area, we should go visit her father for an early father's day.

So after a lot more riding in the car, we get to the place where my grandfather lives. it's kinda like a cross between a nursing home and an apartment. My grandfather stays so busy that it took us quite a while to find him. he was calling bingo ^^ so after he finishing calling bingo, we went and worked on puzzles with him (he loves puzzles). eventually though, we all got so tired that we had to leave, but i begged my parents to stop by Borders before we went home.

So we went to Borders and I got the new Saiyuki Reload manga and my brother bought the Now 28 CD. To anyone who hasn't read Saiyuki Reload, i highly recommend it. it's awesome! the guy in my bg comes from it. well, that's all i really have to say right now so ttyl!

~moonshine7 / shadowslayer7~

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