Sleep Depravation and its Effects on the Teenage Mind

Lack of sleep has only one effect on the me that i know of and there's only one word to describe it: zombie. I was o.k. through first, second, and most of third period, but in the middle of my insanely boring english class, i just zoned out and until i have a bunch of sugar or manage to sleep a full 10 hours, i'm afraid i'm probably going to stay this way ^^" oh, and i must have zoned out some during lunch too, because i somehow wound up agreeing to sing at prom o.0 well nothing really horrid happened today like the screaming girl from yesterday, but i did hear that the screaming girl found out who was cheating with her boyfirend and has threatened to smash the other girl's head into a locker..... maybe this week will turn out to be fun after all. the student body needs a good fight or scandal to keep them occupied. My moron of a spanish teacher wasn't here today, but unfortunately he's coming back tomorrow -_-" he really is an idiot, though. i mean, the guy drinks Scope mouthwash. How stupid do you have to be to not know that you can't drink mouthwash?! But anyway, we watched the movie Accepted in his class today. I love that movie! if there really was a college like that, i would so be going there. well, that's all for today. i'll try to post again tomorrow, especially if i can get some of my friends from myotaku to come make worlds over here *cough unicornrain cough* ttyl!

~moonshine7 / shadowslayer7~
