
Wow, i just now realized that i've been posting almost every day! I haven't done that in a long time. Yay for not doing homework until the class period before! Well, next week is spring break (yay!) and it looks like i'm going to be taking lifeguard classes over the break so that i can be a lifeguard at this camp thing over the summer. I was going to apply to work in the kitchen, but a friend of mine (who has connections to everybody in the town) heard that if someone applied to be a lifeguard, it was almost guaranteed that they would get the job. Of course, all of this depends on if i can get my driver's lisence next Tuesday. Pressure! *takes deep breath* this is going to be such a busy week for me!

On another note, i submitted a fan art thingy Saturday, but it hasn't shown up in my portfolio yet -_-" does it make a difference that i selected to save it as a draft/sketch thingy? just wondering ^^"

Oh, and i've decided to make another world dedicated to the constant battles of the people in my head (note: i don't really have people in my head. I just like to freak people out 0.0) Unicornrain has been suggesting that i do this for a while, so as soon as i come up with a title, i'll fix it up and put a link in my introduction ^_^ Well, sorry about the rather long post, but i kinda felt like ranting today. The chocolate unicornrain gave me helped give me some temporary energy that i am nw going to go run off. ttyl!

~moonshine7 / shadowslayer7~
