
The title above was created by my life guard instuctor when he tried to combine the words "foamy" and "bubbles." Well, my first day as a lifeguard-in-training was..... well, it just was, although i think i'm going to be sore tomorrow. We had to swim 300 meters, which was 10 laps back and forth in the pool and then we had to swim across the pool, come back, get a weight at the deepest part of the pool, and swim to the other side again. that last part was timed unfortunately, but i made it! yay! i was actually amazed that i did. I have a friend who is taking the class at the same time as me, and we both dove down toward the drain instead of the weight, but luckily the weight was close by. one black spot on the bottom of the pool looks the same as any other black spot ^^"

Sorry about the short post, but it's kinda late and i've got to get to bed so that i can be well rested for my driver's test tomorrow. oh happy joyness! *severe sarcasm* well, byezez!

~moonshine7 / shadowslayer7~
