Wow o.0

Wow, sorry that it's been so long since I last posted ^^" I've been kinda busy applying for colleges and writing papers for my my crazy Honors English class. I still have an eight page research paper due tuesday that I haven't finished yet.... *deep sigh* oh well, I'll get over it.

So, I'm not really sure where my last post left off... therefore, random subject time! *lame theme music* The voting results for senior superlatives came in on Friday and mr and my boyfriend both won for the "Most Likely to Succeed" catergory (is it bad that I was having a hard time spelling "succeed?") ^^". So that was exciting... oh, and I finally submitted my college applications to my top two fav. colleges (Sewanee and Centre College) Wish me luck! I've got my fingers crossed. Both of those colleges are really expensive so even if I get accepted, I'm going to have to get a lot of scholoarship money and finincial aid... but i'll stop boring you with that.

I went to see the Twilight movie yesterday, and although it wasn't too close to the book, I liked it. *fangirl moment warning* EDWARD, I LOVE YOU!!!!! *cough* sorry, about that. Couldn't control myself...

In any case, I'm kind of out of things to say at the moment, so I'm off to visit sites. ttyl!

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